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More than just looks –

The Style Key is about how your style makes you feel and how it helps you grow.

How many hours have you spent analyzing your physical features?

Many of us have spent hours in front of the mirror, nitpicking our body, the length of our limbs, the color of our hair, the shape of our curves.

When we try to learn how to “dress well”, style advice is often very body-focused. So many systems exist to tell us which silhouettes and colors “flatter” our bodies best.

Yet so many of us find that the dress in the “perfect” color, with the “correct” neckline, and the “flattering” length doesn’t actually feel authentic, or doesn’t make us happy. And in fact, we know that we can be happy, confident and beautiful in styles which are not “the most flattering.”

This is because we are so much more than our features! We are the way we walk, talk, express ourselves. Our posture, our voice, the words we choose. The way we laugh, the twinkle in our eyes, the expressiveness of our hands. The spirit in our heart, the energy we carry with us.

Your Style Key,

The Style Key is about your experience with style. The goal is to use style as an effective tool to feel your best and to become your best self.

When style is centered on you, it becomes easy. It becomes fun and rewarding. And most of all: you find that style can be anything (yes, anything!) you want it to be.

How much energy would you gain if you no longer had to “get it right,” but instead could simply trust the process and feel confident about reaching your desired goal?

We will help you feel relaxed and confident while working towards (and reaching!) your personal style goals. We give you powerful tools (the “how” and “why”) but also visual recommendations (“the what”) so you can make the most of your unique beauty.

With your style key, personal style is not an abstract destination. It’s a tool for confident, safe and joyful self-expression and personal growth.

Your Style of Being,

In the Style Key system, the entire world of style is split up into four big groups, the Style Keys. Your Style Key helps you with the intersection of three aspects – the essence of you, your style logic, and your aesthetic.

Your Essence is the overall impression and experience of you as a person. It’s not so much about your personality as about your overall *style of being* in the world.

Your Style Logic is the style strategy that’s most effective for you. It’s the way you choose clothes and the way you decide whether your outfits are working or not.

Your Aesthetic is the visual style you want to achieve. It’s what people see when they look at you, and in the Style Key the goal is to create an aesthetic which reflects your Essence and follows easily from your Style Logic.

The Style Keys

Amethyst (Left+Up), Sapphire (Right+Up), Ruby (Left+Down), Moonstone (Right+Down)

Amethyst Key

Left + Up Quadrant / Essence

Sapphire Key

Right + Up Quadrant / Essence

Ruby Key

Left + Down Quadrant / Essence

Moonstone Key

Right + DownQuadrant / Essence

Finding your key

To help you get started with the system we created an overview of each of the Style Keys. We recommend you simply read through the list, choose the one that intrigues you the most, and visit that page to learn more. 


This key is all about using style to express something about yourself and to have that vision received by others. You find a lot of inspiration in your inner world: this inspiration may come in terms of qualities you see in yourself or in terms of images, moods, and feelings. Your best style comes when you allow yourself to be truly seen, releasing the pressure to fit in or to do things “correctly.”

You have an intriguing, sensual or enveloping essence and naturally gravitate to a style that’s more *extra*. When you have the courage to truly express yourself, it helps people to understand you and connect with you. Your style explorations are about creating complete looks that are expressive and impactful.


Click to read more about this key   ➤


This key is all about using style to connect with your physical body and your inner world. Your best style comes when you release focus on other people or external expectations and use style to give yourself the experience you desire. You make style choices choices based on your own tastes and you often have a strong physical response to clothes and styles.

You have an essence with hints of sensuality, intrigue or elemental forces, and there is a sense of ease about you, or an approachable gravity. You tend to draw in other people very strongly, which may sometimes feel overwhelming and uncomfortable. Your style explorations are about balancing vulnerability and protection.


Click to read more about this key   ➤


This key is all about contributing your message and making an impression on the world. You might feel like you are *too much* – too intense, too bold, too sensitive. Your style journey is about learning how to work with this intensity, how to feel safe and confident in your world. You want to take charge of your appearance, to influence how people perceive you. Your clothes help you take space and to be heard and seen in the way you want.

You have an inspiring, refined or dreamy essence and prefer a style that is high on effort, glamour, and drama. You enjoy thinking strategically about your style: figuring out the impression you want to make, and creating looks that help you achieve that.


Click to read more about this key   ➤


This key is all about figuring out the support you need in the situations and contexts you’re moving through, and choosing outfits that meet your needs. Your beauty truly shines when you take inspiration from the world around you – your situations, your environments, other people, current trends- and find a way to make it your own. You love outfits which tell a story, even if you’re the only one who notices all the details.

You have a radiant, refined or dreamy essence and an intuitive, personable approach to your beauty. You often feel bad when things feel like they are “too much” on you, but trying to avoid this “too much”-ness might lead you to feel bored and uninspired. At its best, style for you is about play and exploration, letting go of rigid rules and being creative.


Click to read more about this key   ➤

I want to learn more about the system

On the system theory page we did a deep dive into the logics of the system. If you feel confident about working with your key already and want to understand the system on a deeper level, this is the place to go!


Working with your Style Key

We offer multiple free and paid style key resources for the different stages at your style journey. We recommend starting with the Archetype Guides and Keyword Explorations to familiarize yourself with the system.

The Foundations Course will help you start working with the logic of your Style Key, whereas the Visual Guides will help you connect with new inspiration and ideas to execute your style.

Don’t want to work on your style on your own? Take The Leap with us! The Leap is our transformational, group-based style course: in 12 weeks we will expand the boundaries of how you see, use, and experience personal style.