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“Style is about your enjoyment, about connecting with your inner world and staying rooted in your most authentic self.”


How style supports you

Your clothes help you connect to your body and to your inner world. What’s going on inside you changes  – and your style needs to change with it.

You prefer an intuitive styling approach which respects your desire for flow, for style to feel ease-ful. You want to love your clothes, but many of your favorite clothes are the ones you don’t even notice wearing.

You have an intriguing, sensual, enveloping essence (though seeing yourself in this way might be new to you). You might have a delicate beauty – you feel strongly when something’s off and you can’t ignore it. This combination of your natural gravity and a low energetic barrier often feels very vulnerable and exposed. Your style explorations are a dance between the sensation of vulnerability and a sense of protection. You enjoy showing yourself through expressive clothing and hiding yourself behind protective layers.

Please Note: finding your Key is not always about matching where you are today to the description on the page. The goal is to choose the Key that will best serve you in bringing out your essence and creating your best style. You might strongly resonate with this quadrant’s ideas, archetypes, or keywords, but you haven’t been following the style logic or allowing yourself to fully explore and experience this side of your essence. That’s okay! If this Key is speaking to you, start working with it and see where it takes you.


Finding your flavour

You can use the keywords, or keyword combinations, as inspiration or helpful guidance. You can use any keywords that call to you: don’t overthink it.

Left: sensual, intriguing, enveloping, elemental, gravity, gaia
Down: approachable, ease, understated, delicate, intuitive, personable

Recognize yourself in most of these statements?

It's very difficult to plan my outfits in advance, and when repeating an outfit I will often add a new twist - I need spontaneity to adapt to how I'm feeling in the moment.

If an outfit feels off to me, it doesn’t matter how many compliments I get because I don't feel like myself

Many of my best looks came from unexpected combinations and following my intuition. It doesn't help me too much to focus on what's the most "flattering" or "correct"

I struggle creating outfits for high-stakes situations: I start thinking too much about what I *should* do and get frustrated and confused

I always notice the physical aspect of clothes first: the way the clothes sit and how I move in them. My sensory experience and needs in clothing are stronger than the general human need to feel comfortable.

Sometimes outfits feel too conventional, or too matchy, or even too “sweet” for me: it’s beautiful for others but somehow stifling on me

I am attracted to sensual and sexy styles, and I like wearing them when it feels safe to do so

I like outfits with unexpected details like cut-outs, asymmetry, unusual shapes, irregular patterns, or striking colors

If I’m feeling really vulnerable on one part of the body, I like to balance it by shielding another part: like wearing heavy boots with a slinky dress

Ruby might be your key!

Style Logic

Your decision strategy

Inspiration: Inner Landscape. When choosing an outfit or planning your wardrobe, consider the outside world. Where are you going + what will you be doing? Figure it out and then set it aside. Now let’s ask: What inside me feels important? Is it a mood? A personality trait? An image? A texture or color? What’s calling you and how does it relate to who you are? The inner world is the starting point.

Goal: Experience. Your clothes should help you experience the inner landscape, your self. It’s about how it feels for you, not what it looks like to other people. If “power” is the theme, what colors make you feel strong? What textures, what accessories? Start there. If you feel the way you want to feel in your clothes, congratulations – your style is a success!

The Archetypes

An Archetype is like your own flavor of the key, a personal guide on your style journey. It helps you understand your style priorities but it only makes sense to use in combination with your style key: you cannot use the Archetypes independently. You may use multiple Archetypes, but we generally recommend to start with one and see where it takes you.

The Cool Girl

This archetype is all about the confidence of trusting your own vision and your own taste. What makes her so “cool” is that she truly doesn’t value others’ opinions as much as her own. That confidence is powerful – but it’s not just about the confidence in your vision, it’s about the execution. The Cool Girl is polished but relaxed, intentional without being fussy. This archetype encourages you to find your perfect balance, to take the time to figure out your style signature.

The Wildflower

This archetype is all about the freedom to be seen in all of your many moods and qualities. She gives you the permission to liberate yourself, to connect with your elemental energy and the organic landscape of your inner world. Not a tamed garden but a lush meadow. You thrive on a degree of tension – different styles for different days, “clashing” pieces, being a bit outside “what’s expected.” You also thrive on being seen and your outfits tend to involve lots of visual interest.

The Outsider

This archetype helps you accept the intensity of your own style vision. You might not want to be the Outsider per se – it just becomes that way because you have no choice but to move to your own rhythm. The Outsider encourages you to reject any foreign idea of what you’re “supposed” to look like and instead direct your complete style focus to yourself. Often, that means unique and expressive pieces and unusual combinations that only makes sense on you.

The Seductress

There is something about the energy of The Seductress which acts as a powerful magnetic force, drawing attention towards her. This level of attention and vulnerability can be overwhelming, but it can’t be avoided. This Archetype helps you acknowledge and work with your intense energy, to create a style that’s both provocative and safe. She reminds you to come home to the Ruby key, to focus on your experience of the clothes rather than on others’ opinions.

The Spicy Girl Next Door

This Archetype helps you reclaim your power, to unplug from standards of how you “have” to look. It’s not your job to be the tastiest snack, to always package your beauty up in the most visually attractive way possible. You decide what level feels right for you. This archetype reminds you that style can be beautiful, joyful and pleasurable without being complicated, without feeling contrived or heavy. It’s beautiful to take it easy – as long as you bring a bit of that spicy twist you need.


Working with your Style Key

We offer multiple free and paid style key resources for the different stages at your style journey. We recommend starting with the Archetype Guide and Keyword Explorations to familiarize yourself with the system.

The Foundations Course will help you start working with the logic of your Style Key, whereas the Visual Guides will help you connect with new inspiration and ideas to execute your style.

Your Energetic Medicine,

In the Style Key, every essence has their own “Energetic Medicine.” It’s a healthy style habit, the attitude that helps you approach style in a healing and empowering way. 

For Ruby, that medicine is “Indulgence.” The best thing you can do is to approach style as a way of giving to yourself, of focusing on your own enjoyment of style. This doesn’t mean you need to buy everything that looks nice or that you’re going to be obsessed with every single piece you own. 

It means that you should find consistent ways to use style to nourish yourself, and to notice where you’re withholding nice things from yourself. Indulgence says: “I love how luxurious fabrics feel on my skin, so I’m going to save up and get the most delicious knit sweater for this fall.” Or, “I know this sweater doesn’t “go” with this skirt but I LOVE wearing them together.” It can be something momentous like “I’m going to give myself permission to explore this aesthetic other people don’t like.” It could be something so small like “I’m going to wear my most comfortable shoes today to give my feet a treat.”

The medicine of Indulgence acts as an antidote to your struggles of ignoring your needs and questioning your taste. It’s about shifting your focus whenever you feel that you’re “supposed” to do things one way. Indulgence reminds you that style is primarily here to serve you, that your number one priority is to give to yourself, to find little and large ways to take pleasure in style. The goal of Indulgence is simply to have things the way you want them, without having to get someone’s permission or having to “deserve” it in any way. It’s a way of bringing more care and self-love to the style process.

Not your key?


Try this key if you love the idea of starting from within to highlight your sensual, enveloping or intriguing energy, but focusing on your inner experience feels dull. Instead, it’s very useful for you to consider the impression you want to make


Try this key if you prefer to focus on the external world and like to think about the effect you want your outfits to achieve. If the Ruby description feels like a foreign language.


Try this key if you like an intuitive and flexible approach to styling, but you aren’t drawn to the ideas of intrigue, sensuality or elemental raw-ness. Try Moonstone if it’s easier for you to draw inspiration from the outside world.