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“Style is about bringing your creative vision into the world. To honor all parts of yourself through vulnerable authenticity and intense drama.”


How style supports you

Your style is an artistic process of self-expression and it’s important for you to feel seen. Style is a signal you’re sending out and you need to sense a response to your artistic creations. You have an intriguing and sensual essence and prefer a style that is high on effort, glamour, and drama. Your curated style persona, the details and complexities of your style, help you feel seen and to feel safe and protected.

You may feel that you need to wear “normal clothes” for fear of alienating people. Sometimes life gets in the way and you lose track of your artistic side. These times lead to a loss of confidence and personal power. When you wear the clothes that feel right to you, you feel better and others are able to understand you and connect with you. Your style explorations are about creating complete looks that are expressive and impactful.

Please Note: finding your Key is not always about matching where you are today to the description on the page. The goal is to choose the Key that will best serve you in bringing out your essence and creating your best style. You might strongly resonate with this quadrant’s ideas, archetypes, or keywords, but you haven’t been following the style logic or allowing yourself to fully explore and experience this side of your essence. That’s okay! If this Key is speaking to you, start working with it and see where it takes you.


Finding your flavour

You can use the keywords, or keyword combinations, as inspiration or helpful guidance. You can use any keywords that call to you: don’t overthink it.

Up: mysterious, extravagant, glamorous, dramatic, effort, persona, intimidating
Left: sensual, intriguing, enveloping, elemental, gravity, Gaia

Recognize yourself in most of these statements?

My favorite outfits have typically been special occasions where I could go all out. Or they're fantasy outfits I wish I *could* have worn.

Generally, an exciting garment by itself is not enough - I need to see something as a complete outfit before I decide whether it works or not.

My favorite outfits almost feel like a protective armor or costume that helps me feel comfortable being around people.

I am attracted to sensual or sexy styles, and I like wearing them when it feels safe to do so.

My outfit needs to have a strong touch of the unexpected, like intriguing and unusual shapes, irregular patterns, creative textures, contrasting accessories.

The physical aspect of clothes is foundational to me and goes beyond basic needs for comfort and functionality. I am very attuned to how I breathe and move in clothes, I sense style through the body.

I sometimes worry that if I dress the way I want, I'm taking up too much space or being too loud.

My best style tends to be more high maintenance. When my outfits are more "normal", I feel invisible and lose touch with my sense of self.

When I’m making an outfit, I tend to find inspiration inside. Thinking too much about where I'm going or what others are wearing confuses me.

Amethyst might be your key!

Style Logic

Your decision strategy

Inspiration: Inner Landscape. When choosing an outfit or planning your wardrobe, consider the outside world. Where are you going + what will you be doing? Figure it out and then set it aside, shifting focus to the inner landscape. Now let’s ask: What inside me feels important? Is it a mood? A personality trait? An image? A texture or color? What’s calling you and how does it relate to who you are? The inner world is the starting point.

Goal: Exciting Communication. You might feel conflicted about it, but being received by other people is fundamental to your sense of style success. It’s not always about approval and compliments, but simply the sensation of being received by others. Your clothes should show your inner world to the outside. If you want to show that you are a powerful and creative person, how can you do that? What textures, what pieces say “powerful”? Start with them. If you feel that your clothes create a feeling of excitement and energy, if they tell the story you want – you’re doing great!

The Archetypes

An Archetype is like your own flavor of the key, a personal guide on your style journey. It helps you understand your style priorities but it only makes sense to use in combination with your style key: you cannot use the Archetypes independently. You may use multiple Archetypes, but we generally recommend to start with one and see where it takes you.

The Muse / Trendsetter

This Archetype carries a sense of lightness and freedom. She encourages you to tune into your inner world to find ideas about what you want to wear – often subverting expectations. She also encourages you to find your personal level of *extra.* It’s not about forcing anything but simply allowing and opening your creativity. Your clothes may feel attainable to others and yet they could never do it as you do. When you allow your style to flow freely from within, you have an unmatcheable personal ability to influence and inspire the whole world.

The Enigma

This Archetype speaks to a high level of tension – you may have a very intriguing or mysterious essence. You tend to be drawn to styles which create tension (between your physical attributes and your preferred styles, between your environment and your presentation, between what you wore yesterday and today). The Enigma is about permission – you are allowed to be a question mark. You don’t owe anyone an answer. You do owe yourself some visual complexity and creativity to honor your need for safety and mystery.

The Enchantress

Those using this Archetype typically fear the intensity of their style needs. You have a strong and constant desire to express yourself with clothes, lavishly and dramatically. You are very particular and want to search out the specific pieces that truly represent something within you. You must learn to balance your desire to create *for the sake of it* with your need to create styles which actually anchor inwards and reveal your vulnerable core. The Enchantress is your guide.

The Lady Heretic

You have an almost physical need for drama, glamor, extravagance, a complex visual presentation. This does not need to look like a red carpet, it’s for where you are in life. This extravagance is what makes you feel powerful and confident. The clothes help you speak without speaking. You move in a different way, you allow yourself to be seen and to speak your truth. This Archetype is a daily permission to claim your right to be seen.

The Siren

There is something in your energy which comes back to – Provocation. Like it or not, but there’s something in you that makes people react. They feel pulled in by your energy and they might feel unsafe, because they’re not fully in control. The Siren reminds you that you are allowed to be this way. That your provocation is not a flaw to be ironed out. It’s your gift to the world and a joy to experience. You thrive when you create a cohesive style persona that captures your unique flavor.


Working with your Style Key

We offer multiple free and paid style key resources for the different stages at your style journey. We recommend starting with the Archetype Guide and Keyword Explorations to familiarize yourself with the system.

The Foundations Course will help you start working with the logic of your Style Key, whereas the Visual Guides will help you connect with new inspiration and ideas to execute your style.

Your Energetic Medicine,

In the Style Key, every essence has their own “Energetic Medicine.” It’s a healthy style habit, the attitude that helps you approach style in a healing and empowering way. 

For Amethyst, that medicine is “Excitement.” The best thing you can do is to approach style as a way of feeling excitement, of feeling that spark of something interesting and special. This doesn’t mean every single thing you own is a statement piece, or that you need to always be looking for the next, new thing.

It means that you should learn to attune yourself to how clothes make you feel, and to notice when you’re feeling uninspired and stifled by your clothes. Excitement says: “I love styling these two “clashing” colors together, it feels unexpected and energetic.” Or, “It is so much fun to wear heels and give myself permission to take space and to be seen.” It can be something momentous like “I’m going to shift my aesthetic completely because I feel that I’ve been reborn as a person recently.” It could be something so small like “I haven’t worn this dress in a while and I’ve forgotten how fun it is.”

The medicine of Excitement acts as an antidote to both your perfectionistic nature and to your fear of being “too out there.” It’s about shifting your focus whenever you feel that your outfit is not good enough, when you’re searching for reasons to criticize yourself. Excitement reminds you that the gift of your style is energetic, in the joyful spark that it brings to your heart – and which you then bring to the world. Your outfits might be “better” or “worse” on some days but the important thing is that style feels like an awakening, a daily boost of personal expansion. Focusing on excitement lets you bring more fun and creativity to the style process.

Not your key?


Try this key if you love the idea of starting from the inside world and finding inspiration within, but you want a sense of ease and a more understated style.


Try this key if you like the idea of a dramatic and glamorous style, but your best style inspiration comes by thinking through your situations and your role in the world.


Try this key if you find it easier to work with external inspiration (situations, colors in nature, pieces of art) and to translate these into supportive outfits.