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“Whatever you’re moving through – style is here to support you. Style helps you meet your needs by bringing comfort, confidence, beauty, and play.“


How style supports you

Your clothes help you feel supported in your daily life and to feel good about yourself. You have a radiant and refined essence and an intuitive, personable approach to your style. You may struggle with feeling too approachable, not feeling edgy enough – or with the weight of expectations, the pressure to impress people.

At its best, style for you is about telling a story: all the pieces of your outfit speaking to each other. Your style explorations are about feeling a sense of play and allowing yourself to try new things without too much pressure. Your beauty blooms when you focus on your own experience with an outfit rather than focusing on what other people think.

Please Note: finding your Key is not always about matching where you are today to the description on the page. The goal is to choose the Key that will best serve you in bringing out your essence and creating your best style. You might strongly resonate with this quadrant’s ideas, archetypes, or keywords, but you haven’t been following the style logic or allowing yourself to fully explore and experience this side of your essence. That’s okay! If this Key is speaking to you, start working with it and see where it takes you.


Finding your flavour

You can use the keywords, or keyword combinations, as inspiration or helpful guidance. You can use any keywords that call to you: don’t overthink it.

Right: dreamy, inspiring, radiant, luminous, refined, the Sun
Down: approachable, ease, understated, delicate, intuitive, personable

Recognize yourself in most of these statements?

I like playing with my clothes and trying out new combinations. Even when I plan an outfit in advance I will often make a tweak to it. That's because my outfit needs to suit the feel of the day.

If I'm not at ease in an outfit, it doesn't matter how many compliments I get. My own experience of the outfit is the most important thing.

I would hate to be called out for “trying too hard” or seeming inauthentic with my style.

I sometimes feel overwhelmed by my clothes, especially if I have too many accessories or statement pieces. It's all about finding the right amount of intensity.

It's fun for me to get dressed up if there is some external motivation like a special event, a visit to an inspiring place, or a theme party. I love how it gives me the permission to try something different and new.

I tend to be aware of how my clothes compare to the people around me. I do like to have my own style but I don't like to stand out too much or feel under- or over-dressed.

I can get a bit too fixated on my body and finding the “perfect” flattering fit for that “minimal elegant” look.

I love pieces that have some sort of sentimental value or story attached to them - it makes any outfit feel special.

I've gotten myself "stuck" in a restrictive pattern: limiting the colors, shapes or fabrics I allow myself, even when I want to branch out more.

Moonstone might be your key!

Style Logic

Your decision strategy

Inspiration: Outside World. When choosing an outfit or planning your wardrobe, you first consider the world around you. What are you moving through at this time? What are the practical details and what do you need? But don’t think only about the practicalities, look into the meaning for you: What’s important to me in this situation or environment? How do I feel about it? What feels important or vulnerable here?

Goal: Support. Your clothes should give you the support you need in your life. It’s about how it feels for you, not what it looks like to other people. If you want to feel put-together at work, how can you do that? What textures, what pieces help you? Start with them. If your clothes are giving you what you want, you’re on the right track!

The Archetypes

An Archetype is like your own flavor of the key, a personal guide on your style journey. It helps you understand your style priorities but it only makes sense to use in combination with your style key: you cannot use the Archetypes independently. You may use multiple Archetypes, but we generally recommend to start with one and see where it takes you.

The Main Character / Popular Girl

When style “isn’t going well”, you start getting pulled into comparisons, and putting all sorts of expectations on yourself. This Archetype is here to help you center yourself and your own experience. You *are* the protagonist of your own style story, and it’s up to you to determine what you actually need and want in this season of life. Your style isn’t about minimizing your quirks or mistakes – it’s about being messy, real you.

The Illuminatrix

Your brilliant personal energy is your gift to the world – but to shine your light, you first need to meet your own needs. This Archetype reminds you that style is meant to light *you* up, to help you connect with your inner joy, play, and creativity. Your best style is expressive and creative. You’re meant to take risks, to experiment. Style can bring you so much freedom, beauty, and vitality – make the space for it!.

The Gentle Grace

You are very particular about what you want to wear, and how you want to combine things. It’s not about impressing others (you might even worry about coming across as cold or snooty) – it’s all about that inner standard and the joy and peace you receive when things just *click* and feel right. This Archetype encourages you to allow yourself the space to search for those *correct* things while also being softer, kinder, and gentler with yourself.

The Sweetheart

Style helps you create a sensation of peace. You want your clothes to “make sense” for your environment and your settings. You don’t want your clothes to be uncomfortable, challenging, or fussy. You might struggle with other people telling you what to wear or how to look, or with forcing yourself to “do more” in order to feel fashionable. This Archetype encourages you to let go of the strain and pressure and trust your heart – inside you know exactly what’s right for you.

The Explorer

The foundation of style for this archetype is the sense of doability: you want your style to be manageable, functional, reliable. Clothes which will survive the wash, shoes that match with many things. This stable foundation is your right! You deserve to meet that need, but this Archetype reminds you to balance it with Exploration. You need some sort of a *new frontier*: colors, aesthetics, whatever. Manageable exploration fulfills your heart and brings joy to your life.


Working with your Style Key

We offer multiple free and paid style key resources for the different stages at your style journey. We recommend starting with the Archetype Guide and Keyword Explorations to familiarize yourself with the system.

The Foundations Course will help you start working with the logic of your Style Key, whereas the Visual Guides will help you connect with new inspiration and ideas to execute your style.

Your Energetic Medicine,

In the Style Key, every essence has their own “Energetic Medicine.” It’s a healthy style habit, the attitude that helps you approach style in a healing and empowering way. 

For Moonstone, that medicine is “Exploration.” The best thing you can do is to approach style as a limitless universe that you get to explore, in your own way and at your own pace. That doesn’t mean you need to run in every direction at once, or always be shopping.

It means that you should choose some areas of focus and see them as a personal project. Exploration looks like: “this summer I’m experimenting with wearing more light and bright colors”, or “in the next few years I’d like to upgrade my wardrobe to be a bit more elegant and sophisticated.” It could be something small like “I’d like to try different pant silhouettes to break out of skinny jeans,” or something more substantial like “I’d like to find a daily make-up routine that makes me feel beautiful.”

The medicine of Exploration acts as an antidote to the struggles of restriction and self-criticism. It’s about shifting your focus whenever you feel you’re too caught up into “solving” style once and for all. Exploration reminds you that there’s no one solution, that it’s okay to change your mind and that things don’t need to be perfect. The goal of Exploration is simply to get out there and to try, to observe how things make you feel without judging yourself for every misstep. It’s a way of bringing more play and fun to the style process.

Not your key?


Try this key if you want to have an audience for your style and like the idea of a dramatic and glamorous expression of your inner world. If the Moonstone description feels like a foreign language.


Try this key if you like an intuitive and flexible approach to styling, but you aren’t drawn to the vision of being dreamy, radiant or inspiring, and if you prefer to draw inspiration from your inner world and physical sensations.


Try this key if you love the idea of starting from the outside world and basing your outfit on the situations, but it’s fundamental for you to consider the impression/effect you’re making on others.